Photonics Calculators
Starting on step 3 is where the tools can be chained together to perform a scenario analysis. This is primarily done by copying the output values of one tool into the clipboard for input values in the next tool. An automated overall tool to do this seamlessly is in development and will be posted in the GitHub. All sliders can be over-ridden by the text at the right end of the slider.
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Interactive Planck blackbody radiation calculator in both Watts and Photon units.
Keywords: #blackbody, #Planck Function, #blackbody calculator
Calculate runs of select different atmospheric transmission cases.
Keywords: #atmospheric transmission, #Modtran
Propagation of blackbody radiation through chosen atmosphere.
Calculation of radiative flux incident on detector for given parameters.
Detector Performance Calculator
Rule’07 based detector performance for incoming flux & input design parameters
Calculation of Read Out Integrated Circuit signal to noise for given inputs.
NETD – Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference
Approximate band center NETD and NEI for conditions in above specified analysis.
BAFDR – combined radiometric tool
Download from github:
Basic Optical paramters –
Inputs: Wavelenght, EFL, Apeture, Format
Outputs: FOV, iFOV, Blur Spot, f/#
Modulation Transfer Function calculation for input wavelength
and f/#
Point Spread Function for given parameters
Calculation of Atmospheric MTF based on index structure
parameter CN2
Rectangular Aperture Diffraction
Visualization of rectangular aperture diffraction
by Christopher George Berger
Ground Sample Distance for down looking Satellite
(Nadir and off Nadir)
UNDER CONSTRUCTION … Check back soon
UNDER CONSTRUCTION … Check back soon
Calculation of Atmospheric MTF based on index structure
parameter CN2
Basic one dimensional photodiode model.
Schematic, definitions, and equations.
Interactive Double Diode Model
Download Only
UNDER CONSTRUCTION … Check back soon
Lidar range equation for photons returned from a scattering